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Careers Guidance and Counselling

CAREERS GUIDANCE AND COUNSELLING Navigation   Head of Department: Mrs M. Warren – Codrington. Members of Staff:  Mr T. Gwariro, Mr L. Chifokoyo, Miss P. Nhongo, Mr M. Nhlema. Functions of the Department: Life Skills lessons for Form 1 and 2 The object of Life Skills lessons is to address topics of a non-academic nature that are relevant and necessary for normal development in the modern world.  The delivery is made through lectures, Power Point presentations and videos, which make a pleasant change from the normal lesson format.  Students are encouraged to participate and ask questions.  A number of sensitive issues are addressed, and the syllabus is constantly revised to include topical matters.  The intention is to contribute to the holistic development and education of students. Career Guidance Career Guidance begins in the third term of Form 2 when subject choices for the IGCSE  syllabus are discussed during Life Skills lessons.  Students are encouraged to choose subjects that are within their capability, that interest them, and that may be relevant to potential career interests.  Again towards the end of Form 4, we address the issue of subject choice for A Levels. The Careers Room is filled with information about tertiary education options, and there are computers available for online research.  Students are encouraged to avail themselves of these facilities and the staff on hand for this function.  Personal career counselling and preparation is available and assistance is provided for university and college applications. Throughout the year representatives from colleges, universities and professions visit St George’s, and these talks are advertised to Sixth Form students.  In addition, other careers events in Harare are advertised on our notice boards. Educentre The primary function of the Educentre is to provide remediation for students who may have difficulties with English or Mathematics.  Students may be referred by teachers or parents, or may come of their own accord.  They are placed in programmes relevant to their level of attainment, and expected to attend regularly until completion of that programme.  Some lessons are delivered during curriculum time, others may be in the afternoon. In addition, the Educentre assists other academic departments by facilitating supplementary lessons in subjects where students may be experiencing difficulties, either individually or in small groups. Assistance with study methods and techniques is also provided on request


ACADEMICS Examinations Examinations Examinations Officer: Mr R. Nkomo. Assistant Exams Officer : Mr C. Chadya. In Form 1, examinations are held every….. Read More Educentre – Learning Support Educentre – Learning Support Head of Department : Mrs C. Mudavanhu. Members Of Department: Mrs S. Mudavanhu, Mr M. Chifokoyo …. Read More Careers Guidance and Counselling Careers Guidance and Counselling Head of Department: Mrs M. Warren – Codrington. Members of Staff: Mr T. … Read More Subjects in more detail Subjects in more detail Students in Form 1 and 2 are divided into mixed ability classes and follow an academic curriculum designed … Read More Academic Overview Academic Overview Read More

Academic Overview

ACADEMIC OVERVIEW Navigation Academic achievement is central to St George’s College. Students are encouraged to develop more independent learning styles and to take responsibility for their own learning rather than rely on their teacher. Our Teaching staff in turn are expected to create a dynamic and creative environment, fit for learning, with the aim of their students reaching their full academic potential. Over a student’s school career, the courses provided lead to Cambridge International Examinations where his entry level (Form 1) subject choices will evolve into IGCSE Level and then into A Level choices. The pathway that a student follows is determined by the College, according to his/her age, ability and aptitude.  IGCSE Examinations are taken at the end of Form 4, AS Level at the end of Lower 6 and A Level Examinations at the end of Upper 6. Beyond the requirements of the academic curriculum, our Jesuit Education ensures that students are exposed to a discussion of values connected to the content they may be covering in class. Our Christian values are the starting point for the whole enterprise, and we believe that our Catholicity is our most powerful aid in achieving this goal. We are both open to and critical of the values around us and are outward-looking and in­volved in issues of justice and concern for the needy. The spirit of service to the community is the hallmark of all in the College family.